AnimeRun: 2D Animation Correspondence
from Open Source 3D Movies

  • 1S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University
  • 2SIAT, Chinese Academy of Science
  • ✉corresponding author
Overview of AnimeRun
AnimeRun is a correspondence dataset for 2D-styled cartoons, rendered from three open source movies: Agent 327, Caminandes 3: Llamigos and Sprite Fright. It provides colored frames and black-and-white contour lines of 2D cartoons and correspondence labels at pixel level (optical flow) and region level (segment matching). The data is designed to facilitate automatic processing on 2D animation, e.g., frame interpolation and referenced colorization.
Data Distribution and Examples

Table 1: Data Overview

Film Clip # Frame # Avg. Motion Magnitude Avg. Segment #
Agent 327 8 741 14.55 409
Caminandes 3 16 1565 24.53 152
Sprite Fright 6 513 10.01 250
All 30 2891 19.27 237
                title={AnimeRun: 2D Animation Visual Correspondence from Open Source 3D Movies},
                author={Siyao, Li and Li, Yuhang and Li, Bo and Dong, Chao and Liu, Ziwei and Loy, Chen Change},
                booktitle={Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track},
Dataset is released under CC-BY-NC 4.0 License. Code is released under MIT License.